NCC Graphic Design Students Land Internships
Nash Community College Advertising and Graphic Design students Kristen Wood and Matt Davis have joined LongStreet Wide-Format Printing & Cutting as interns.
“Kristen & Matt are our fifth & sixth interns from Nash,” said Clint Williams, Director of Operations & Marketing for LongStreet Wide-Format Printing & Cutting. “We’ve very much enjoyed having them and we make sure to give them experience and understanding of the expectation of customers’ wants and needs in graphic design. Sometimes that goes against what the artist may want or like. And that’s the real world at work.”
LongStreet’s graphic designer and mentor to the interns, Leiza Lewis shared, “We’ve also benefited from the latest advances in educational and software training from Nash Community College as they have shared new ideas with us as we work together.” A Nash Community College graduate as well, Lewis also added, “this is a hands-on internship. They see their designs printed, installed and in use by our customers. I would have loved to have had this opportunity when I was an intern.”
Kristen Wood of Rocky Mount graduated from Rocky Mount High School. She is pursuing an Associate Degree in Advertising & Graphic Design and expects to graduate in May.
Matt Davis is from Sharpsburg and now resides in Nashville. He graduated from Southern Nash High School and is also obtaining an Associate Degree in Advertising & Graphic Design. He expects to graduate in May.
LongStreet Wide-Format Printing & Cutting was founded in 2009 as a subsidiary of Daughtridge Sales Company. Intended to help produce custom gauge-dials & stickers for Daughtridge Sales the capabilities naturally lent themselves to a sign-shop that now has expanded to a full-service multi-format multi-material production facility.
For more information about Nash Community College’s programs, call 252-451-8235.