NCC Graduates Nurse Aides
Nash Community College is pleased to announce its recent Nurse Aide I (NAI) and Nurse Aide II (NAII) graduates. The Nurse Aide I course introduces basic nursing skills required to provide personal care for patients in a health care setting. “NAI students are often surprised at the range of topics the NAI course covers – everything from the legalities of healthcare to proper infection control techniques to how to deal with patients who are terminally ill,” Nurse Aide Program Coordinator Rita Joyner said. Once a student completes the NAI course and passes the state mandated NAI exam they are certified to work in a variety of healthcare setting and to function along with the nurse as a vital part of the healthcare team. “Many NAI graduates go on to nursing school. The NAI course gives them a solid foundation to further their education in healthcare,” Joyner said.
NAII students are often seasoned in providing direct patient care and wish to expand their knowledge. Having a NAII certification often helps graduates secure a promotion in the field. “It is rewarding to see the students develop and expand their skills as they prepare to enter, or progress, in the field of healthcare.” NAII graduates are eligible to apply for the North Carolina State Board of Nursing NAII credential. For more information about Nash Community College’s Nurse Aide program, call 252-451-8352.
Front row, from left: Jessica Webber of Rocky Mount, Jennie Pittman of Rocky Mount, Elvia Hernandez of Rocky Mount, Tachianna Warren of Rocky Mount, Amanda Faircloth of Elm City and Marla Matthews of Spring Hope. Back row, from left: NCC Vice President of Student and Enrollment Services Larry Mitchell, Rosa Johnson of Elm City, Pamela Keel of Wake Forest, Yazan Bayyari of Rocky Mount, Shakelia Wheeler of Rocky Mount and Christopher Scott of Nashville. Not pictured: Holly Czysz of Louisburg, Brittany Dawes of Rocky Mount, Mary Driver of Rocky Mount, Heather Ellis of Rocky Mount, Franziska Gassoway of Rocky Mount, Anna Holmstrand of Zebulon, Donna Lawrence of Youngsville, Jocelynne Stephens of Greenville, Carole Wagner of Wake Forest and Sarah Wood of Spring Hope.
Front row, from left: Kara Johnson of Elm City, Brittney Ward of Rocky Mount, Elle Coultrap of Red Oak, Tammy King of Castalia, Jasmaine Leonard of Rocky Mount and Valerie Pirtle of Enfield. Back row, from left: NCC Vice President of Student and Enrollment Services Larry Mitchell, Miranda Edwards of Momeyer, Crystal Turner of Enfield, Carla Price of Zebulon and Juliet Sharpe of Rocky Mount. Not pictured: Marcia Coleman of Nashville, Bailey Parker of Rocky Mount and James Powell of Rocky Mount.
Front row, from left: Samantha Trejo of Bailey, Brittney Pendergrass of Castalia, Andrea Hucks of Leggett, Kandace Summerlin of Nashville, Rachel Baines of Nashville and Amanda Enroughty of Nashville. Back row, from left: NCC Vice President of Student and Enrollment Services Larry Mitchell, Christi Wainwright of Nashville, Kelly O’Brien of Zebulon, Crystal Williams of Rocky Mount, Tammy Michelle Smith of Rocky Mount, Kadesha Perry of Nashville and Brittany Pittman of Whitakers. Not pictured: Stacey Archenbach of Nashville.
Front row, from left: Mia Grimm of Hollister, Treasury Lynch of Hollister, Ataysha Ware of Rocky Mount, Lorie Brewer of Wilson, Morgan Lewis of Middlesex and Britiany Privette of Zebulon. Back row, from left: NCC Vice President of Student and Enrollment Services Larry Mitchell, Stacie Stracqualursi of Zebulon, Arlene Bishop-Giese of Nashville, Michelle Ramsey of Zebulon, Landon Batten of Middlesex and Amy Whitley of Spring Hope. Not pictured: Phyllis Marshall of Nashville and Sarah Tyrell of Rocky Mount.
Front row, left to right: Takita Brinkley of Rocky Mount, Tanesha Hines of Rocky Mount and Beverly Parrish of Nashville. Back Row L to R: NCC Vice President of Student and Enrollment Services Larry Mitchell, Peggy Hardy of Rocky Mount, Sara Fortenbery of Rocky Mount, Graysen Smith of Rocky, Kushunn Seabreeze of Nashville, Chelsea Hutsell of Rocky Mount and Kaitlyn Finch of Nashville. Not pictured: Pamela Bozelle of Elm City, Angela Council of Raleigh, Angela Edgerton of Nashville, Deanna Evans of Enfield, Norma Garrett of Rocky Mount, Carrie Jones of Rocky Mount, Shirley Jones of Louisburg, Mary Richardson of Louisburg, Kimberly Williams of Nashville and Amber Winstead of Rocky Mount.