Business Administration Students Achieve Global Top 100
As part of course curriculum, Business Administration students at Nash Community College participated in an online business simulation project, creating faux camera companies to test their business strategies. A McGraw-Hill Irwin program called GLO-BUS hosted the simulation, which evaluates and ranks students’ business management skills using earnings per share, return on average equity and stock price data generated by the classroom created companies.
AREMAC, Blink of an Eye, CCandid and other camera companies created by Nash Community College students for the simulation competed against over 1,400 other teams from 89 colleges worldwide. Top students in NCC Business and Economics Instructor, Mary Douglas’ classroom, and in the Top 100 of GLO-BUS were Kamiah Brooks, Jacob Ferry, Jessica Jacobs and Phyllis Rodgers. Ferry and Jacobs’ company, AREMAC, placed 84th best earning per share and 51st best stock price performance, world-wide during the week of April 27. Brooks and Rodgers’ company, Blink of an Eye, placed 84th with GLO-BUS for best stock price performance the week of April 27, 84th best for overall game-t0-date score, 17th best earnings per share performance, 61st best return on equity, and 16th on best stock price performance for the week of May 4.
Other students in Douglas’ class placing in the GLO-BUS Top 100 categories were Samantha Anderson and Helen Page of Agitation, Marcia Allen and Vicki Coplen of CCandid, Tionnette McGowan and Lutara Washington of Distinctive Digital and Shonakanika Dawkins and John Ruey of Extra Pix. For the week of April 27, Agitation received 78th best return on equity; and continuing success for the week of May 4, a 65th place ranking in the Top 100 for best earnings per share, 24th best return on equity performance and 55th best performance for stock price, worldwide. CCandid placed 30th in the GLO-BUS Top 100 for the week of April 27 for best return on equity. During the week of April 27, Distinctive Digital received 71st place for best earnings per share performance and 68th best stock price performance. For week of May 4, Distinctive Digital achieved a 69th place ranking for overall game-to-date score performance, 11th best earnings per share, and 13th best stock price performance of the week, worldwide. Extra Pix tied for the 100th best return on equity performance seat for the week of May 4, worldwide.