Instructor Discusses Benefits of AVID National Demonstration School
Renee Martinez, Nash Community College English Instructor and AVID Co-Liaison, spoke at Richlands Elementary School to rising 6th graders and their parents Thursday, March 17th. Martinez emphasized the importance of attending a campus-wide AVID school. She stated that even if students are not assigned to the AVID elective class, the student’s chance of succeeding will increase because of the study skills and learning strategies implemented in all classes at Trexler Middle School, located in Richlands, NC. “These strategies will become part of who you are as a student and you will be able to transfer this knowledge to any academic setting you pursue,” she said. Nash Community College became an AVID for Higher Education National Demonstration School on March 15, 2016. It is one of only two National Demonstration Schools for AVID for Higher Education in the United States. Trexler Middle School is a National AVID Demonstration School.