Virtual Spirit Week April 27 – May 1, 2020
To participate or be eligible to win a prize follow the instructions for each day’s activity and tag NCC with #nashcc on Facebook or @nash_cc on Instagram. An NCC student ID is required to receive prizes and to order from Barley and Burger or Trax Coffee Shop, no exceptions. Open to NCC students only!
For more details follow NCC on Facebook and Instagram stories throughout the week.
Monday, April 27 – NCC Pride/Blue Love
Post a picture wearing NCC swag or something blue. All participants will receive a $25 credit to Barley and Burger. Credit valid through April 28, 2020.
Tuesday, April 28 – Show and Tell
Show and tell us how you are enjoying the day. All participants will receive a $25 credit to Trax Coffee Bar. Credit valid through April 29, 2020.
Wednesday, April 29 – Hand Wash Wednesday
Post a video showing what you sing while washing for 20 seconds. One student will win a $200 shopping spree credit to the NCC Campus Store. The winner will be contacted with further details.
Thursday, April 30 – Throwback Thursday Scavenger Hunt
Answer the questions below and post a throwback picture of yourself or a picture of NCC mascot, Newton. All participants will receive a $25 credit to Barley and Burger. Credit valid through May 1, 2020.
1. What year was the college founded?
2. How many presidents has the college had? Include their names in chronological order.
3. What is the college mascot’s name?
4. The current NCC President has a favorite pastime, what is it?
5. The current NCC President has 2 dogs, what are their names?
Friday, May 1 – Senior Day
Post your favorite memory at NCC. Perhaps a moment with a favorite teacher or faculty member, an event attended, or any great experience at NCC. One student will win a Diploma Frame from the NCC campus store. The winner will be contacted with further details.