Grants, Press Releases

Grant Allows NCC to Grow Mission Critical Programs

Nash Community College Associate Vice President for Community and Governmental Affairs Keith Smith recently greeted Dr. Jill Biden during a visit to Cleveland Community College. Nash Community College, as a member of the Mission Critical Operations consortium led by Cleveland Community College, received a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment Training Administration. A total of more than $23 million was awarded to the consortium of college and university partners for the development of a Mission Critical Operations program. Through the grant, Nash Community College will enhance the Electric Line Construction, Electrical Systems, Electronics Engineering, Emergency Management, Healthcare Business Informatics, Networking Technology, and Computer Information Technology programs. The program will create career pathways in these areas to meet the demand for a mission critical workforce able to anticipate, prevent, mitigate, and respond to crisis and events in the day-to-day critical operations of industries and municipalities.