Press Releases

DOCC Students Complete Training

Students from Nash, Franklin, Edgecombe, Johnston, and Warren County Sheriff’s Offices recently completed Detention Officer training at Nash Community College. The certification includes 179 hours of instruction designed to train qualified participants to function as officers in detention facilities. The course is governed by the North Carolina Sheriffs’ and North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commissions.

Personnel from Nash County Sheriff’s Office were part of the training as they work towards “dual certification” for all members. With dual certification, the Nash County Sheriff’s Office deputies will also become certified as detention officers and detention officers will participate in deputy training.  The department says this will assist in the day-to-day operations of the entire Sheriff’s Office because it will allow members to assist where needed.

Students who completed the certification program are, front row, from left: Miguel Cruz, Warren County Sheriff’s Office; Wanda Artis, Nash County Sheriff’s Office; Victor Dunston, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office; Kee-Yona Lucas, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office; Captain Philip Parker, Nash County Sheriff’s Office; Major Miste Strickland, Nash County Sheriff’s Office; back row, from left: Nathaniel Lester, Johnston County Sheriff’s Office; Samuel Holmes Jr., Nash County Sheriff’s Office; Bradley Harrell, Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office; Nicholas Hollingsworth, Nash County Sheriff’s Office; Marcus Whitfield, Nash County Sheriff’s Office; Sheriff Keith Stone, Nash County Sheriff’s Office; Wayne Lamm, Nash Community College DOCC School Director.

Sheriff Keith Stone, Major Miste Strickland, and Captain Philip Parker having completed the training are now eligible for dual certification as Deputy Sheriff’s and Detention Officers.