Young Students Learn Financial Literacy at NCC
Communities in Schools held its annual Financial Literacy Retreat for seventh graders at NCC on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 in Brown Auditorium.
Following an opening session, the middle school students visited stations in the “Reality Store” where community members led them through the exploration of real-life financial scenarios. Volunteers assisted the children in balancing their mock checking accounts and taught them about personal finance and financial decision-making.
Communities in Schools work in 2,300 schools in 26 states to build relationships that empower students to stay in school and succeed in life. School-based staff partner with teachers to identify challenges students face in class and at home in order to coordinate with community partners to bring external resources into schools. NCC is proud of its longstanding partnership with Communities in Schools that encourages young students to pursue college education by exposing them to the college campus, careers and future opportunities.